Last Chance!

Hey girls, tomorrow is the last day to register for the retreat! So hurry up and register before it's too late. Don't procrastinate any longer! We are looking forward to seeing you and don't want to be disappointed! So come one come all.....if you don't make the age requirement, give us a call, we might be able to work something out! So if you are a thirteen (or nearly thirteen) year old young lady with a desire to love God with a pure heart, go ahead and pick up that phone, or give me an email, I would love to hear from you! We are having a meeting tomorrow to go over the details of the retreat, so now would be a great time to get that request in!

Remember to check back here for more announcements and pictures of the retreat!

Sneak Peek!

This year is a little different, we won't be spending the night at the church. We have opted on a day retreat to fit in with all of our busy schedules. But have no fear, this is going to be the best retreat yet! We will be serving brunch, snacks, and dinner; come hungry...with a physical and spiritual appetite!

A little glimpse into the day:

9:00-9:30 Check in
9:30 Welcome
10:00 Brunch and sessions throughout the morning and early afternoon
1:00 Planned Activities
3:00 Sessions
5:30 Dinner
6:30 "Showtime"! (Nope, not a movie!)
8:00 Final Session
8:45 Bible Translation and Printing
10:00 Parting Our Ways

Please take note that this is a very vague schedule and is probably going to change, I just posted it to give you a taste of what to expect. We are really excited and anxious to get everything finalized!

Our goal for these retreats is for spiritual encouragement and not just for fellowship and good times. We are serious with our relationship with Christ and aim to honor Him in all that we do. The majority of time at this retreat will be spent in teaching sessions by young ladies who love the Lord with all of their heart. The name of this retreat is "Love From a Pure Heart". It is our desire to see all young ladies loving the Lord with a pure heart. A pure heart means that nothing is shadowing her walk, she is entirely committed to serving the Lord and puts aside all things that distract her relationship with Christ.

Yes, we plan on having a great time of fellowship and fun, but our main focus is spiritual encouragement, including our activities. If you are serious in your walk and have a heart to learn, join us on June 24. We would love to see you there!
Just remember to RSVP by June 18 by snail mail, email, or telephone!

"Love From a Pure Heart" Retreat 2008!

When: Tuesday June 24, 2008, 9:00am - 10:00pm.

Who: Young ladies 14 and up

Cost: $10

Bring: Your Bible, and a heart to learn! (You may also want to bring a pair of pants for the evening activity!)

Speakers: Dana Savino, Caitlin Savino, and Jessica Bernhardt

* What is emotional, physical, and spiritual purity and how can you obtain it?

* How can you find joy while serving in the mundane everyday routine of life?

It is our desire to see young ladies love the Lord with a pure heart and walk closely with Him. We are excited to share with you the lessons Christ has been teaching us. We hope to encourage you in your walk with the Lord and spur you on to aspire higher than the "normal" mediocrity of the world that you may in turn impact the world for Christ!

*Please note that this retreat is by invitation only!*

"From the Heart" - Retreat 2007!!!

As sons and daughters of the King, Christians know that they should be praying, reading their bible, spending time with their father and memorizing His Word. But so often it is done out of duty or mere habit. Their beliefs are shallow and their relationship with God is just about nonexistent. It is an increasing problem among Christians today.

On March 29 & 30, We, Dana and I (Caitlin), had a retreat for the young ladies in our homeschool group. We called it "From the Heart." Our theme verse was Ephesians 6:6, "Not with eyeservice as menpleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart."

It was our goal for each of the girls to draw closer to the Lord and develop a deeper relationship with Him through prayer and memorization of God's Word. We wanted the girls to do this from their heart and not out of duty or habit. Dana spoke on 'Your relationship with God through prayer' and I on 'Memorization of the Word.'

The ages were 10-18, so it was somewhat difficult to find a happy medium where the younger ones could understand the teaching that we had originally planned for older girls. But the Lord freely bestowed upon us His amazing grace, and gave us the wisdom that we needed.

Most of the pictures I took are of the games, I noticed that the flash was distracting the girls, so I discontinued taking pictures until after the sessions (Our space was limited and in order to get pictures of the girls I had to walk in front of them). Sorry for the blurry pictures, but the church has the worst lighting and my lens was giving me trouble. Anyway, here are the pictures of our activities!

Game #1

Retreat 01

The Bible Name Game! I overheard this girl (her back is pictured above) asking "Do I have anything to do with food?" Another girl answered, "Well, um, sort of....well, actually yes."

Game #2 My favorite

Retreat 02

Can you guess our game?

Retreat 03

Retreat 04

Retreat 05

Retreat 07

Retreat 06

Don't the girls look excited!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

Retreat 08

Spam Creations!!!

The girls were hilarious. I think only four girls actually touched it with their hands-the rest used knives and spoons.

Retreat 12

Retreat 10

Retreat 09

And by the way, yes, it did stink Really, Really bad!

Retreat 11

Dana and I judged them after they finished. The end results~

Retreat 15

Group one: a log cabin

Retreat 16

Group two: Stone hedge, a dog, a horse head/dolphin thing and well, spam creations

Retreat 14

Group three: a train on the tracks with cinder and rocks with trees for scenery and flowers (on another plate).

We took in to consideration the creativity of the spam creations and came to the conclusion that the winner was...

Retreat 13

Team three!

Next it was time for teaching!

Retreat 18

My beautiful sister Dana speaking on "Your relationship with God through prayer"

Retreat 17

Here she is demonstrating a dutiful prayer-done out of duty and not from the heart

Retreat 19

We typed out notes for the girls. They had to fill in selected areas.

And that above which you do not see is a picture of me! Due to the calamity of my camera refusing to focus in the hands of an inexperienced Canon operator, I am not shown. (okay, fine, I didn't like the pictures of myself with goofy faces because I was talking, so I made up the mostly true story)

Game #3 Also my favorite!

Retreat 20

A Bear Hunt!!!

I saw a bear over there, did you see a bear over there?!

Retreat 21

...Well, I saw a bear down here!

Hand on Activity

Retreat 26

Retreat 28

Beaded Bracelets!

Retreat 24

Retreat 23

Retreat 27

We gave each girl a heart for her bracelet to remember the message of the retreat.

Retreat 31

Retreat 22

Retreat 29

We had several different hearts.

Retreat 25

I think that the girls enjoyed this activity the best!


We gave the girls character qualities and they had to make a skit about that quality. Very entertaining!

Retreat 35

My beautiful sister Gianna. She is in a skit on loyalty.

Retreat 34

Their skit was about a dog, well, actually it was about 17 dogs. But one girl was the main dog.

Retreat 32

This one was on diligence, quite comical. They had "Lot's Diner", named after the Bible Name game with Lot's wife!

And my computer is refusing to post the last two pictures. Waaaaaaaa. Their skit was on obedience and was really good.

We were blessed to be able to spend time with the girls and share what the Lord had placed upon our hearts!